
বিনায়ক সাহিত্য সন্ধ্যা

প্রখ্যাত কবি সাহিত্যিক শ্রী বিনায়ক বন্দোপাধ্যায় এর সঙ্গে একটি মনোজ্ঞ সাহিত্য আলোচনার আসরে অংশ নেবেন আনন্দধারা রীডার্স ফোরাম এর সদস্যবৃন্দ এবং অষ্ট্রেলিয়া, ভারতবর্ষ, বাংলাদেশ ও সারা বিশ্বে ছড়িয়ে থাকা সাহিত্যপ্রেমী মানুষ ! এই ফেসবুক লাইভ অনুষ্ঠানে আপনাদের যোগদানের মাধ্যমেই হবে আনন্দধারা’র রজতজয়ন্তী বর্ষ উদযাপন এর শুভারম্ভ !

Kolkata Book Fair 2022

Anandodhara started off its silver jubilee celebrations in style at the presence of Tridib Mukhopadhay, Gen. Secy. Publishers and Book Sellers Guild, Kolkata Book Fair on 1st March, 2022. Anandodhara’s new initiative of Bringing out the unknown to the known and making it well known was an instant hit and we were applauded for promoting the dying heritage and traditional art and craft forms of Bengal on the global platform. Dokra art form is our chosen theme for the year...

Book Fair Kolkata (India) – 2020

Anandodhara’s presence in the Australia stall at the Kolkata Book Fair in Feb 2020 goes down as a memorable event. We were indeed overwhelmed to have the opportunity to launch the initiative of Commerce for Community in the august presence of many stalwarts of literary domain. It acted as a boost to move forward with our noble initiative amidst all odds. কলকাতায় আন্তর্জাতিক বইমেলা প্রাঙ্গনে অষ্ট্রেলীয়া ষ্টলে আনন্দধারা’র “অপার্থিব বিশ্বায়ন” এর উদ্বোধন. The International Kolkata Book Fair (Old name: Calcutta Book Fair...

Subodh Sarkar – Kobita Oporanho

The event was held at Kroidon Park Anandodhara library, Sydney on 6th April, 2019. The poet shared the myriad experiences of life through the entire span of his career starting from the rural roads of Ranaghat in West Bengal. The interactive session was truly uplifting and the passionate poet left an indelible impression in the minds of the audience.

Shirshendu Kolkata Residence

The literary evening with the celebrated litterateur at Strattfield Town Hall on 7th of March, 2009 had a different flavor right from the start. The session started a formal conversation with the author followed by interaction with the audience interspersed by dramatized portions of plays written by him. The interactive session witnessed the author handle queries on different kinds of controversial topics in context of his written works with aplomb. The event was in a way enriching and fulfilling to...

Srijato Ekai Ekshow

At Penang Hills Commentary Center, Sydney, on 2nd Sep, 2017, the talented poet, singer, writer, TV presenter, film director simply cakewalked the audience to a euphoric outcome. The audience explored some of his poems and controversial writings, skits based on his writings were conducted and last but not the least, skillful renditions of modern Bengali songs by the star enthralled the audience.

Dr. Nabakumar Basu – Ekti Majlishi Addaye

On the 13th of Nov, 2016, Anandodhara invited the author-physician for a literary evening at Strattfield Royal Indian Restaurant, Sydney. It was an interesting Dinner-with-the-author event showcasing the greatness of human mind and its ability to cast magical spells with scalpel and pen as well. Many rare creative writings by the author were discussed and dissected and it was an enriching rendezvous for the audience to talk about long after.

Tilottama Sahitya Sandhya

Organized largely by the Anandodhara Readers Forum, the event was sponsored by Bengali Association of New South Wales to commemorate their 40th anniversary. Tilottama Mazumdar known for her controversial creations took the hot seat and debated and interacted with the audience quite comfortably on her works. This choc-a-bloc firebrand event is remembered as a unique milestone on the roadmap of Anandodhara.