Tag - Celebrities

Shirshendu Kolkata Residence

The literary evening with the celebrated litterateur at Strattfield Town Hall on 7th of March, 2009 had a different flavor right from the start. The session started a formal conversation with the author followed by interaction with the audience interspersed by dramatized portions of plays written by him. The interactive session witnessed the author handle queries on different kinds of controversial topics in context of his written works with aplomb. The event was in a way enriching and fulfilling to...

Srijato Ekai Ekshow

At Penang Hills Commentary Center, Sydney, on 2nd Sep, 2017, the talented poet, singer, writer, TV presenter, film director simply cakewalked the audience to a euphoric outcome. The audience explored some of his poems and controversial writings, skits based on his writings were conducted and last but not the least, skillful renditions of modern Bengali songs by the star enthralled the audience.

Dr. Nabakumar Basu – Ekti Majlishi Addaye

On the 13th of Nov, 2016, Anandodhara invited the author-physician for a literary evening at Strattfield Royal Indian Restaurant, Sydney. It was an interesting Dinner-with-the-author event showcasing the greatness of human mind and its ability to cast magical spells with scalpel and pen as well. Many rare creative writings by the author were discussed and dissected and it was an enriching rendezvous for the audience to talk about long after.

Shirshendu Sahitya Sandhya

The literary evening with the celebrated litterateur at Strattfield Town Hall on 7th of March, 2009 had a different flavor right from the start. The session started a formal conversation with the author followed by interaction with the audience interspersed by dramatized portions of plays written by him. The interactive session witnessed the author handle queries on different kinds of controversial topics in context of his written works with aplomb. The event was in a way enriching and fulfilling to...

Sunil Sahitya Sandhya

The literary evening with Sunil Gangopadhay was a unique event designed by Anandodhara at Baroot Girls’s High School on the 23rd June, 2001. It was planned that in the course of the literary discussion with the author on stage, a handful of his created characters would enter the podium with a volley of questions aimed at the author. The outcome was enchanting and was nothing sort of a milestone in terms of performance and impact on the audience. Additionally, recitation...