Anandodhara Banner
Where Craft Meets Culture
Where Craft
Meets Culture

Bring out the Unknown to the known and make it Well known..

After 25years of success in Australia and New Zealand. Anandodhara - The Stream of Joy started its Voyage with a vission and Dream and entered into a new Era through Digital Transformation.

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Sydney was Ecstatic with
‘Kachher Manush'

Sydney literary circle and Suchitra fans were delighted
to get ‘Suchitra Bhattacharya’ closely amongst them ..

2006 - Prolific writer Suchitra Bhattacharya creator of the classic Bengali Novel “Kaccher Manush” was in Sydney surrounded by Anandodhara Readers Forum members.

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When the Doctor from UK
Travels to Australia

Not for Medical Conference.
To take Centre Stage in Literary Evening..

2016 - Leading Author Dr Nabakumar Basu & Dr Mrs Rakhi Basu from UK visiting Sydney Anandodhara Boi Ghor (Library / Showroom) with Anandodhara Readers Forum members.

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Landmark Event
Sydney Boishakhee Mela

Anandodhara Readers Forum Team members managing Anandodhara Book Stall..

2015 – For last two decades Anandodhara Book Stall at Boishakhee Mela (Sydney Olympic Park) was a must visit, place of interest and attraction for every book lover in Australia commencing from pre-internet days of 1990s when meeting in person was the way of life.

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Anandodhara embarked on its journey with E Shudhu Gaaner Din on a starry March evening in Sydney, Australia in the year 1997. This ‘Stream of Joy’ was primarily ideated and created by Srimanta Mukherjee, the founder member who had long envisioned a melting pot of art and culture of the Indian subcontinent in Australia. He nurtured the dream of promoting Indian art and culture among the NRI as well as the diaspora of Indian subcontinent in Australia and New Zealand.

As we moved forward on our noble purpose, we were humbled and overwhelmed to have the company of celebrated litterateurs like Sunil Gangopadhyay, Sirshendu Mukhopadhaya, Abdullah Abu Sayeed, Suchitra Bhattacharya, Samaresh Mazumdar, Harsha Dutta, Tilottama Majumdar….


A Unique Journey: Of The People – By The People – For The People.

  • বিনায়ক সাহিত্য সন্ধ্যা

    binayak sahityo sandhya

    প্রখ্যাত কবি সাহিত্যিক শ্রী বিনায়ক বন্দোপাধ্যায় এর সঙ্গে একটি মনোজ্ঞ সাহিত্য আলোচনার আসরে অংশ নেবেন আনন্দধারা রীডার্স ফোরাম এর সদস্যবৃন্দ এবং অষ্ট্রেলিয়া, ভারতবর্ষ, বাংলাদেশ ও…Read More

  • Kolkata Book Fair 2022

    Anandodhara started off its silver jubilee celebrations in style at the presence of Tridib Mukhopadhay, Gen. Secy. Publishers and Book Sellers Guild, Kolkata Book Fair…Read More

  • 24 Years of Journey Celebration of Anandodhara

    24 year journey

    আনন্দধারা’র খোঁজে বই~তরণী বেয়ে আপনাদেরই মাঝে ! আগামী ২৮শে ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২১ রবিবার সন্ধ্যা ৭টা – ৮টা ( সিডনী সময়)

  • 23 Years of Journey Celebration of Anandodhara

    23year Journey

    ১লা মার্চ ২০২০ “ আনন্দধারা’র ২৩ তম জন্মদিন ” উপলক্ষ্যে আমরা সাম্প্রতিক বিতর্কাড্ডার ভিডিও প্রকাশ হল আনন্দধারা ওয়েব সাইটে !

  • Subodh Sarkar – Kobita Oporanho

    Subodh Sarkar

    The event was held at Kroidon Park Anandodhara library, Sydney on 6th April, 2019. The poet shared the myriad experiences of life through the entire…Read More


A Central place for Writers, Publishers, Books, Bookstores, Librarians, and Readers to Congregate and Celebrate books and literary culture.

Mancho Natok

Moncho Natok Keno Kori – Keno Dekhi – Keno Bhalobasi

binayak sahityo sandhya

বিনায়ক সাহিত্য সন্ধ্যা

প্রখ্যাত কবি সাহিত্যিক শ্রী বিনায়ক বন্দোপাধ্যায় এর সঙ্গে একটি মনোজ্ঞ সাহিত্য আলোচনার আসরে অংশ... read more

Kolkata Book Fair 2022

Anandodhara started off its silver jubilee celebrations in style at the presence of Tridib... read more

self reliance through co operative movement

Self-Reliance through Co-Operative Movement – Rabindranath’s Visionary Implementation

Anandodhara Readers Forum presents 10th Session of Debate Entertainment Enlightenment (BITARKA-ADDA) Virtual Seminar and Question-Answer... read more


A Central place for Writers, Publishers, Books, Bookstores, Librarians, and Readers to Congregate and Celebrate books and literary culture.