Tag - Kolkata Book Fair

Kolkata Book Fair 2022

Anandodhara started off its silver jubilee celebrations in style at the presence of Tridib Mukhopadhay, Gen. Secy. Publishers and Book Sellers Guild, Kolkata Book Fair on 1st March, 2022. Anandodhara’s new initiative of Bringing out the unknown to the known and making it well known was an instant hit and we were applauded for promoting the dying heritage and traditional art and craft forms of Bengal on the global platform. Dokra art form is our chosen theme for the year...

Book Fair Kolkata (India) – 2020

Anandodhara’s presence in the Australia stall at the Kolkata Book Fair in Feb 2020 goes down as a memorable event. We were indeed overwhelmed to have the opportunity to launch the initiative of Commerce for Community in the august presence of many stalwarts of literary domain. It acted as a boost to move forward with our noble initiative amidst all odds. কলকাতায় আন্তর্জাতিক বইমেলা প্রাঙ্গনে অষ্ট্রেলীয়া ষ্টলে আনন্দধারা’র “অপার্থিব বিশ্বায়ন” এর উদ্বোধন. The International Kolkata Book Fair (Old name: Calcutta Book Fair...